Understanding learner statuses

Keep track of your learners' progress! 

Within the Learning Management area, you can seamlessly monitor the status of your learners. Simply select the "Learners" option from the left-hand navigation menu, and then switch to "Manage" on the "Learners" page. Here, you'll receive a comprehensive overview, showcasing essential details such as name, email, ID, and department for each learner. 

Understanding the various statuses of learners and their implications: 


Indicates that the learners have activated the invitation link and successfully registered on the system.


Learners have not yet clicked on the invitation link from the email. Their status becomes active only once they click on this link and access the platform.


This status suggests that your organisation's learning managers have marked the learner as inactive. This might occur, for instance, during an extended absence.

Note: An inactive status doesn't mean the licence can be transferred to another learner. However, while this status is in place, the inactive learner won't receive any training invitations or reminder emails. On their return, their status can easily be switched back to active, enabling them access to the lawpilots LMS+ and the relevant e-learning courses.