LMS+ Glossary

You can find the key terminologies used in the lawpilots LMS+ here




A participant status indicating that the user has logged on to the LMS+ through the link in the invitation email.



Different sections of the LMS+ that is organized for specific users. There are 2 Areas in your LMS+:

  • "Learning Management" area for Learning Managers, and 
  • "My Account" area for Learners


Assign Courses

The action of designating specific courses to learners. 



Billing Information

Information related to invoicing including your organization's billing address and name of your organization.


Business Email

Information related to invoicing including your organization's billing address and name of your organization.




An electronic document automatically issued by lawpilots upon course completion and receiving 100% on the final quiz. It serves as a formal recognition of the learner's achievement and includes the learner's first and last name, course title, learning objectives, and the date of completion.



The contact details of a specific individual in your organization who is the main PIC for communication with lawpilots for support and billing.



Co created by lawpilots with our legal experts, a course refers to an online learning in various topics. These courses employ a mix of multemedia content, interactive tasks, explanatory videos, and storytelling to offer your learners with an engaging and lasting learning experience.


Course/Training Cycle

The designated time span, between the start date and repeat date of a course, during which the Learners can access the purchased course.


CSV file

A "CSV file," or Comma Separated Values file, or .CSV (comma delimited)(*.csv) is a plain-text file format that organizes tabular data.


CSV Import

A method of transferring learner information into the system from a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. This process facilitates the efficient addition or update of learner information.


Customer info

Your organization's information within the LMS+, including the billing information and the contact person




The name of the organizational unit to which learners belong in your organization.


Due Date

The deadline by which learners are expected to complete a course.



The expected amount of time (min) to complete a course.



Email Templates

Predefined formats for sending invitations (Training invitations, Invitations to the LMS+, and Invitation for Learning Managers) and reminders.


Employee ID

A unique identifier granted to your employees by your organization.



Identity Provider (IdP)

A service that manages and verifies the identity of users. It plays a crucial role in authentication and single sign-on (SSO) processes within the LMS+.
lawpilots LMS+ provides SSO functionality for the following Identity Providers:
- Google
- Microsoft

Learn more about SSO Setup here (link)



A participant status manually set by Learning Managers, typically when learners are absent for an extended period. When a learner is set to inactive, they no longer receive notifications from us. Once the learners return, their status can be changed back to "Active".



A request sent in the form of an email to your employees. 
Invitations are sent in 3 scenarios
1. When learners are added to the LMS+
2. When learners are assigned to courses
3. When employees are invited to register as a learning manager.



Last active

The timestamp indicating the most recent interaction or activity of a user within the LMS+.


A users added and registered in the LMS+ who participate in learning activities.


Learning Management

A central area for Learning Managers to oversee and manage various Learning Administration tasks.


Learning Manager/s

A user/users in the your organization's LMS+ who has access to the "Learning Management" area. They can set up trainings, add or remove Learners, assign courses to learners. They can also view your organizations subscriptions, add other Learning Managers to collaborate with, and manage email templates.


Learning Objective

A clear and measurable goal or outcome that learners are expected to achieve by completing a course.



A user seat granting access rights to a single learner of your organization for the specific course.


License Expiration

The date when a license is set to expire. The expiration date is the date set in the subscription contract. Learning managers can check this in the "Learning Management" area or within the sales contract.


License Start Date

The date when access rights to the courses and LMS+ were initially granted.


License Validity Period

The duration during which the licence is considered valid and active.


Licenses Used 

The number of licenses that have been allocated and are currently in use by learners for the specific course.



Abbreviation for "Learning Management System Plus," a comprehensive platform by lawpilots for managing and delivering online learning and courses



Information indicating the physical location of your organization.



My Account

An area providing an overview of the learners courses and certificates.


My Courses (Page)

A page within the "My Account" area where Learners can view and access all courses assigned to them.



Next Expiration

The upcoming date when the access rights to a course will expire, and with it all the associated licences.




Subsections within an area accessible by the left-hand menu.


Participant Status

The current condition or state of a participant, such as active, inactive, or pending.



A participant status indicating that the user's status change is awaiting activation from the invitation link




The action of signing up to the LMS+.


Remaining (Licenses)

The number of available licenses not yet allocated for the specific course.




The ability for a user to independently register and set up their accounts within the LMS+. lawpilots LMS+ provides a Welcome Tour and a Guided Checklist to help Learning Managers set up their accounts and get familiar with the LMS+.


Set up trainings

The action of configuring a training by the Learning Managers within the "Learning Management" area.


SSO (Single Sign-On)

A user authentication process that allows individuals to access multiple systems or applications with a single set of credentials, enhancing user convenience and security.

Learn more about SSO Setup here (link)


SSO Group

A designated group of users who share the same Single Sign-On authentication privileges. We grant access to your SSO Group, so all users emails used must be emails associated with your SSO Group.



A sub section of the lawpilots main domain, in which we organize our customers.
When we setup your LMS+, we provide you with a unique subdomain <company_name>.lawpilots.net for your organization.



The agreement, concluded during the sales process with us, which grants your organization access to the LMS+ and specific courses on the LMS+ for a defined period. The subcription also includes the parameters of access to our courses and LMS+ including number of licenses, license validity period, the E-learning courses purchasd, number of licences for each E-learning course, as well as the language variants purchased.


Subscription Status

The current state of a subscription, such as active, pending, or closed.




A subsection within a Page


Training Invitations

An invitation email sent to learners to start a course.


Training Records

A tab showing records of completed trainings. All participants who have completed the course will be listed here. The Learning Manager is able to download the certificates or download a summary of all the completed trainings as a PDF document.


Training Reminders

A follow-up email sent to remind learners to complete their course.


Trainings (Page)

A page within the "Learning Management" area where the Learning Manager can view all of the purchased courses. Learning Managers can manage the courses and set up trainings in this page.