Different areas in the LMS+

There are two areas within LMS+: "Learning Management" and "My Account" 

Learning Management

This area is specifically crafted for learning managers, serving as a central hub for organising and managing e-learnings courses and participants: 

  • An overview of available e-learning courses, licences, and languages.
  • The flexibility to customise training settings individually.
  • The capability to invite or remove additional learning managers.
  • Personalisation of email templates for effective communication.
  • Streamlined onboarding and offboarding of learners.
  • Assigning specific e-learning courses to learners with ease.

My Account

This is the personal learning universe for all learners, offering them the liberty and flexibility to manage and review their e-learning courses and certificates. Handy features include: 

  • The freedom to start or continue e-learning courses at their convenience.
  • Viewing the due date of each e-learning course.
  • Display of automatically scheduled repeat dates for ongoing learning.
  • Hassle-free download of certificates for record-keeping.
  • The option to change the language according to preference.start/continue training courses